
Eya has started eating solid food at 5 1/2 month. Although, her paed advised us to wait until she is exactly 6 mth, from the articles I read, when your baby react when she sees other people eating, then you can start giving her first food. Eya could not watch other people eating, she will start drooling and banging the table (like asking for food).The first food I gave her was Farley Rusk. She really loves FR. I only give her one FR back then, but now she need to have 2. My mom said the FR in my baby days was a lot bigger than today FR.Then, I bought Heinz Rice Cereal as my friend gave her daughter this cereal. Eya didn't like it at all and can only eat a few spoonfuls of it (the rest are stored in the kitchen cabinet). I bought Nestle Rice cereal with milk, and tried it and Eya loves it but I need to add a few scoop of her formula milk. I think she really follow my trait, can only eat food which is sweet or tasteful.Now, she eats twice a day, noon and night. For noon, my mom gives her a bowl of Nestle Rice cereal and for night, 2 pieces of FR. Maybe some people think that I overfeed her, but she really needs that extra piece as she would not be full. According to her growth chart, she is not obese but above average, which is normal according to her paed. ( Eya keep waking up at 4 a.m. when she was given only one or no night meal. Then, we started giving her 2 and she sleep soundly until morning)As for the milk, she drink it quite a number of times per day. Now, at 6 month, she drinks 7 oz per bottle. I think:

  • 1 for morning

  • 1 for noon

  • 1 for afternoon nap

  • 1 after dinner

  • 1 for sleeping time


Who is Arale?

Arale wish to live in Kampung Penguin with all her friends, but now she lives with her Mr R and lil angel.

Everything that Arale write in here is for her own eye's only and anybody who is interested. If you don't like what you see/watch/read here, please leave the blog as fast as you can.

Arale's Wishlist

  • Lancer Sportback or BMW 1 series
  • More vacation trips...
  • Reno works for GH
  • Trip to USS or Disneyland HK
