My First Cheesecake...

Its not my cheesecake actually but I helped my sis-in-law in making it. We tried the most basic cheesecake.

SIL bought all the ingredients, which were:

  • cream cheese (Philadelphia, RM7+)
  • plain yoghurt/sour cream
  • castor sugar
  • a little bit of lemon juice
  • 3 eggs
  • biscuit
  • melted butter
We tried a recipe given by SIL's friend. First, she mixed the cream cheese, yoghurt, sugar and eggs. Beat it until smooth. Add the lemon juice.

For the cake base, I melted the butter and crushed the biscuit. Used the butter to make the biscuit as the base.

Poured the mixture on top of the biscuit. Baked it at 170 C for around 40 minutes.

The cake turned out great. Some of us ate the cake with the blueberry sauce, which can be bought at any supermarket.

p/s: the last piece...luckily, I managed to snap the pic before it being consumed by Acu...


Who is Arale?

Arale wish to live in Kampung Penguin with all her friends, but now she lives with her Mr R and lil angel.

Everything that Arale write in here is for her own eye's only and anybody who is interested. If you don't like what you see/watch/read here, please leave the blog as fast as you can.

Arale's Wishlist

  • Lancer Sportback or BMW 1 series
  • More vacation trips...
  • Reno works for GH
  • Trip to USS or Disneyland HK
