Just found this nice video of Brighton in you tube.
To all my friends, please watch the vid as it was the place where I live for almost 2 years.
Really miss it.......
We'll Miss You...
Weird Steps of Development
I think she wanted to try all the steps although some people said a baby may straight goes to walking without any pre-steps like crawling, sit, etc. She definitely has her own way of thinking.
She also has tried to stand up on her own by holding to things nearby to her. Although, she seems to be quite a late bloomer in the walking department, I'm still happy because she is quite a talker. She can take all the time in the world to start walking.
This is Arale...
The comic series has 18 books and I have bought every single one of it. The books is safely stored at my brother's room. To collect every single book was not an easy task. The book was released by Comic House not on a normal basis like magazines or local comics. I had to be extra alert everytime I went to a mamak bookstore, in case, the latest one is released. After a few years of hard work, and search to 2nd hand comic bookstore, I managed to complete the collection.
I laughed and enjoyed reading the comics. Even, hubby was surprised to see how happy I am by reading the book. The content and plot of the books is so silly that some of you might repulsed by the content.
The main character is Arale although the comic name is Dr Slump. She is created by Dr Slump. Created?? She is not a human being, she is a robot, a cute robot by the way. The moment I read the book, I fell in love with the character.
However, the merchandise are so hard to find. We (me and nini) managed to locate one in OU. Nini was so kind to buy me one as a present. Yes, I really love it. I even put it on my office table, in front of me.
I really love it. Thanks Nini and Abo. Its the greatest gift ever.
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Retreat @Allson Klana, Seremban
As it was a work retreat, most of my time was spent writing and editing report. What hubby and Eya did? They both did a sleeping marathon. We were released early on th Saturday and all of the team members had dinner at a restaurant. It was nice to have this kind of retreat. We can focus on the work and at the same time, spent some time with the family.
However, Seremban was a small town and we were quite bored with it. Not a lot of eating spot but yes, I did miss Seremban.
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Big Portion...
Everyone of us ordered pasta and Eya shared with mom. She really loved the carbonara.
BTW, thanks Nini.
Congrats, Felix...
In last week episode, Hatta design looked so nice on paper but when he translated it to a garment, he failed. His entire collection looked so 'keras' and the workmanship was not that detailed.
As for Alex, she was quite brave to take risk in using body mutilation as her aspiration but she proved that her idea was the best.
And Felix, the winner, for me his idea was the same as what we saw every week on the tv. Short, blossoming dress.
But, I was not a fashion expert to say that Felix was not good. I was simple person when it come to dress. I can go out and wear just t-shirt and jeans. For me, the comfort factor is what counts.
Again, congrats to the three of you.
And for 8TV, when its the second season?
Same taste
When the time came for the birthday boy to open the present, almost all the present was Nike stamped. The weird thing was all the present from his mom's side can make a complete-from-head-to-toe futsal attire and everything was Nike. It felt like all of them had planned it earlier.
Mom said to us that maybe our present was the 'cikai' of all. We said we didn't care that much. If it were up to us, we would come to the party without present as it was too sudden. Although eqal was the I-do-not-care-about-brand, from the way he treated the gift, I bet he is now someone different. [Biasalah, dah kaya mesti jadi lain sikit. And we even thought that maybe we were not in the initial plan. Cu invited us because maksu invited her clan. Haha, evil thought].]
The best part was me, hubby and Eya were wearing Abercrombie & Fitch t-shirts. What a coincidence? BTW, we really love the brand. It was Nini who noticed it and snapped a pic of us.
Ketahuan by Matta Band
We have changed our favourite station from Mix.fm to Suria.fm. The change is not because the CEO of Suria.fm is now, Erra's new husband. It was the only station that likes to play raya songs during the weeks before Raya. After every song, they will play Raya songs. Since than, we are hooked up with Suria.fm. (Morning will always be for the Morning Crew, Pietro, Serena and Ika. They're the best)
I always hear this song, either in the morning or afternoon. Just like Juanes (La Camisa Negra) song, when I was pregnant. Eya must know the song by heart now.They will play the song in the morning and afternoon.
This song is so nice to hear and I like the tunes. I didn't know who sing it but I bet it must be an Indonesian group as Malay music is something that is so typical and not that nice.
I really like the song that I decided I must find the lyrics. So, today, I searched for the lyrics and put the clip of the song here so everybody can know which song I'm talking about.
Labels: random
Still cranky...
Eya couldn't sleep last night. I can hear her voice but because I'm too tired, I only managed to get out from my room around 5 a.m. I made her milk and put her to sleep. Then, I continue my precious sleep.
When I woke up again, she had already woken up. At the moment she saw me, who was in the way to get my towel, she started screaming. She wanted me to hold her. As I woke up quite late, I was really rushing to prepare for work. I tried passing her to hubby but she didn't want her ayah.
At the end, hubby got to take a bath first and I had to think of a way to give her to my mom. My mom tried to console and persuade her but she still wanted me.
When my mom put her specs on, she then willing to be taken by my mom. I think she thought her opah going to take her for a walk. BTW, she is not that well today. She has blocked nose and a mild fever.
Cranky Ms Eya
Yesterday was Eya's nursery open house. I ordered some sardines rolls for the potluck.
Me and hubby went to the open house somewhere at 10.30 a.m. There were a few parents who were already there. The menu was great although it was a small event. I loved the 'mee goreng'. There were also nasi impit, rendang ayam, lodeh and even sambal goreng jawa.
The bigger children waited for their parents at the stairs wearing their baju raya. Hubby kept asking where was her daughter. I told him maybe only the children who can walk were allowed to be with their parents or maybe Eya was sleeping. We imagined it will be great if Eya could walk and come to meet us. But knowing Eya, I wouldn't risk it to meet her as she will be attached to me and would start screaming if I left her.
We left the event around 11 a.m. as hubby had a site meeting.
Later that night, Eya slept as usual but she was extremely hungry. My mom fed her rice with cooked vege and she loved it. Then, she drank her milk twice. My mom said it is best to start feeding babies early with green vege. Thats why all my siblings really loves vege. And, she tried to teach Eya too.
She seemed couldn't sleep that night. She kept tossing the whole night. At first, we thought it was because of the mosquitoes bite but even after we applied some Yu Yee oil, she still was not calm. I felt her tummy and I thought she was 'kembong perut'. When Eya was little, she rarely got 'kembong perot'. One is because she was bf, 2nd, we applied her Yu Yee oil and 3rd because, we gave her gripe water. We applied some oil and gave her gripe water to drink. She still feeling cranky but better than before. I brought her to my room and try to put her to sleep. When she saw her ayah, her mood lift up and started to talk with him. I knew she was sleepy but knowing her, she will try to play until she asleep.
It took me until 1 a.m. to put her to sleep and I missed my sahur because of too tired.
Why tired? Exams. I really hated invigilating exams. Sitting and walking around for 3 hours, doing nothing and at the end to collect exam papers from student. Yesterday, I almost fell asleep in the exam hall. Yes, it was a 3 hours paper. Today, I'm really hoping it could be a 2 hours or at most 2 1/2 hours paper. Please, I am so bored in the hall. This is my final days of invigilating exam after 3 days straight.