Eya Unwanted Attitude...

Eya mood change like the amount she change her diapers everyday. Now, it is so hard for us to put her in the stroller. It seem like we are in a war everytime we try putting her in the stroller.

The trick is to let her walk with us for a while until she feel tired. Then, she will ask herself to be put in the stroller. This is during her good mood. Else, she will ask to be carried and always the person she prefer is me.

She started having this attitude sometimes ago when we shopping at Alamanda. I never know why she behave like this. The problem is she is not ashame of other people. She will keep crying and crying, ignoring all the people looking at us. Our face have grew so thick that we do not tolerate her behavior. She can keep crying all she wants but we would not entertain her request.

We sincerely hope this is just another phase of her. It takes so much patience from me to tolerate this new attitude.


Who is Arale?

Arale wish to live in Kampung Penguin with all her friends, but now she lives with her Mr R and lil angel.

Everything that Arale write in here is for her own eye's only and anybody who is interested. If you don't like what you see/watch/read here, please leave the blog as fast as you can.

Arale's Wishlist

  • Lancer Sportback or BMW 1 series
  • More vacation trips...
  • Reno works for GH
  • Trip to USS or Disneyland HK
