Something about the house is settled...

There are a lot of things need to be settled when you buy a house. As for me, I was not that lucky as I was not a government servant. They only have to pay 1K for the deposit, but for me, it was 5K. That thing has been settled much earlier.

I also didn't get 100% loan for the house. I need to pay 10% of the price, again something that I was not lucky. I do not have that much money, so I need to withdraw my EPF Acct II for that purpose.

Before I can apply for the EPF, I need to get a bank loan and also the SNP signed. Research was done on which bank offered the lowest interest rate, and the bank must be the developer panel banks. If not, the lawyer fees will be so expensive. I managed to get one in 2 weeks time.

Then, I have to wait for the SNP to be ready. It takes about 2 months for it to be ready. The lawyer expenses amounting to RM650 need to be paid. For the land title, I need to pay another RM4K.

After the loan and SNP was ready, we applied to withdraw our EPF Acct II. It was not that much, but it help to pay off the 10% deposit and the payment for the land title. The rest of the money is saved to pay for the kitchen cabinet.

We heard from others and read from Internet forum, that it takes up to a month before the application is approved. I read all the procedures, download all the necessary forms, make copies of all the documents before I applied. The officer told us that it takes 2 weeks for any application to be approved and it depends on the officer itself. After 3 weeks if no money is being deposited into our account, we need to check with the EPF office that we made our application.

So, we decided that only after 2 weeks we would check our bank account. Then, one day, which is exactly a week after we applied, I was so shocked to learn that the money had been deposited. It was very fast. Having everything in order, the forms, document everything maybe had helped to speed up the approval process. I was the first to get the money and when hubby checked his account, no money was in the account.

Again, I was worried. I afraid that hubby application was rejected. The next day, I sent an enquiry through the EPF website and it takes only a few hours for the EPF officer to reply my email. EPF has proved that they are a very good service provider. Hopefully, their service can remain this good forever.

Once hubby got the money, we made bank draft and paid the 10% deposit. We was so relieved that a part of the house has been settled. After this will be the phase where we need to pay the interest payment.

It will be another 2 years before the house is ready but we need to save money for the house. The grills, lighting, cabinet, new furnitures, etc.


Anonymous November 2, 2008 at 8:35 PM  

There is heaps of work to own a house, first the loans and the money. Now with the house to coplete in 2 years time, grills, furniturs, alarm, lightings, curtains.. Phew!

Anyway.. Good luck to you and all the best.

Who is Arale?

Arale wish to live in Kampung Penguin with all her friends, but now she lives with her Mr R and lil angel.

Everything that Arale write in here is for her own eye's only and anybody who is interested. If you don't like what you see/watch/read here, please leave the blog as fast as you can.

Arale's Wishlist

  • Lancer Sportback or BMW 1 series
  • More vacation trips...
  • Reno works for GH
  • Trip to USS or Disneyland HK
