I've stopped giving out traditional kad raya years ago. Its maybe after I started working. Giving raya card is something that I look forward when I was studying. Now, as e-card is easily available and with the help of blogs, its become easier for me to wish everyone 'Selamat Hari Raya'.
Note: E-card was courtesy of www.speedfinger.orgFirst Part:
I would like to generally wish all my best friends Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir dan batin.
For my special friends:
To Masyu, Selamat Hari Raya. I hope you could forgive me for any kutukan, sindiran, sesi umpatan bersama, email2 panas (if any) and anything that I might do that may hurt your feelings. I hope you will enjoy your raya with your family in Teluk Intan and do enjoy eating all the food especially lemang and rendang. Jangan risau sangat, tak lari ke mana TLS tu.
To Nurul and Ira, Selamat Hari Raya. Eventhough we may not be that close now, I still considered you as my best friends. I do apologize if I did something wrong to you, e.g. not contacting you as much as I can, didn't come to any events that you hosted. Irr, still terkilan pasal takleh gi potluck hari tu. Lain kali, aku try sedaya upaya untuk pergi. Enjoy your raya with family. If any of you is in Perak for this raya, do come to hubby's house.
To Oya, maybe you don't know about this blog but I still want to wish you something. I really hope you will be here to celebrate the raya. I just hope this year you have a nice celebration with Kairil.
Second Part:
To all my Sussex friends, especially Amy, Bett, Evi, An, lil Ardini, Indah, Rozi, Nor, Mas, Seha, Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin from me and hubby. Really miss the old time.
To all my blogger friends, especially to all the links in here, although we never met, I really loves our cyber friendship. Selamat Hari Raya and selamat bergembira di kampung halaman. Don't forget to keep blogging...
Last but the most important part:
I really don't know how to do all the raya forgiveness drama, so I try to put here what I really want to say during that moment.
To abang, I really want to apologize for all my wrongdoings to you. Only you know what. Thank you for really understanding me.
To Eya, my baby, lil angel, this is your second raya. Its the first raya when you can walk and speak. Its going to be havoc. Mama loves you soooooooooooo(infinity) much.
To along and kaklong, this will be your first raya with Zidane. Enjoy it. Its awesome. Sorry for any mistakes that I might have done. Selamat Hari Raya. To Zidane, Selamat menyambut your first Aidilfitri! Makyang loves you so very much!
To abo, I don't know whether I can send you or not, but forgive me for any mistakes that I might have done to you. Have a nice raya celebration there. Remember me when you eat the choc. chip cookies. Really going to miss you. Next year, make sure you send the Salam Perantauan to us.
To adik, you are the best sister anyone could ever have. Thanks for everything you have done/bought for me. Although I'm the big sister, I want to apologize for any inappropriate actions that I have done. Enjoy your raya even if you're alone.
To mom, I will apologize to you personally. But, in here, I just want to say, forgive me for anything that I do to you that may hurt your feelings. Forgive me for my mistakes. Forgive me for everything.
I hope everyone will have a great Raya this year. I couldn't wait for malam raya when I will sit in front of TV to watch all the sampaikan. Need to finish baking a few more cookies and cakes. Only once a year.
Salam Aidilfitri
Happy 2nd Birthday, my baby...
Eya turned '2' on 24/9. Again, her birthday fell during Ramadhan, just like last year. I wanted her birthday this year to be something special for her to remember. Just a small party with my family.
No special, advanced preparation was needed. A week before, I booked Opera cake from Coffee Bean near my house. I didn't want to buy something cheesy as Eya don't like it. Her presents had already been bought a few days before her birthday.
Mom cooked her famous mihun goreng which became our main meal for berbuka puasa. I also ordered pizza as additional food. One great thing about pizza hut now is now as I can order online and pay using Maybank2u. I simply loves everything that has Maybank2u method of payment.
I dressed Eya in a lovely tier, pink dress I bought some time ago. I really couldn't believe that my daughter has grown so much. How time flies? I really want her to stay as a toddler as long as possible but that would not happen.
We put her in the highchair and started singing her birthday song. Everybody sang and suddenly, she started crying. Its so funny. This behavior she got it from my family side. All of us hate it when people sing to us birthday song. I don't know why but all of us really cannot stand it.
We just continue to finish the song and I guided her to cut the cake.
Later that night, Eya had a present opening ceremony. Thanks to Abah+Maklong and Acu for the lovely gifts. I'm so happy that she loves the present that I got her. The scribble pad however had some problem. The stylus/pen was missing and we need to go back to Toys'r'us to replace or to get a refund.
Overall, she had a good birthday celebration that night.
Happy 2nd birthday, Eya...
From mama and ayah....
Counting the days to 24/9...
Its 2 more days until Eya's birthday. We finally managed to get her something for her birthday. We went to The Curve last Sunday to have a look at ELC toys, especially the drawing easel and the kitchen. I did some info-searching from the UK ELC website and fell in love with the 2 items.
I was shocked to know the Malaysian prices. It was so expensive and I don't think I should buy it for her yet. So, we decided to go to Toys'r'Us to buy her presents. During our window shopping, we bumped into Dato' Rafidah Aziz with her family. She was so damn rich that she could buy the large house, complete with all the furnitures for every room for her grand-daughter. I bet it cost her thousands.
As the present shopping was not successful, we did few shoppings for Eya and Zidane. As for mom, I bought her 'kasut raya' and all of us shared to buy her a 'beg raya'.
And yesterday, me and hubby went to MidValley to get her present. We really hope we could find suitable present for her. The Toys'r'us shop in MV was not that big but we managed to find the best present for her.
We bought her a scribble pad with colors, which was portable so she can draw anywhere she likes. And we bought her a set of MegaBlok, just for her to increase her imagination and creative skills. So, everything has been wrapped up and just waiting for Wednesday. It will not be a big party, just a cake and mom's cooking for the day.
Eya birthday is coming soon...
Last year, for Eya 1st birthday, we got her a 2-in-1 walker that can be converted into a small car. It was a worth-the-money purchase as she learned to walk using that item.
For this year, we were quite lost on what to get her. We thinking on something that related to drawing, something like drawing easel, set of color pencil, etc. It was the first thing that came to our mind as she really loves drawing. If she goes to any store, the first thing she will grab will be book and color pencils. However, buying those things will be like common things we always bought her.
We also thinking of getting her a kitchen as she loves playing masak-masak. She has her set of kitchen utensil so getting her a kitchen maybe good.
Bears is too common and she has a few already. Dolls, strictly a no.
What else, seriously, I'm running out of idea????
Eya a singer, huh!!!
Eya, being a toddler likes to mimic what other people are doing. She is a fast learner.
In the car, she loves to sing along to the songs she hear on the radio. For the last few months until now, her favourite song will be Aizat's song, Hanya Kamu. She can sing the chorus on her own, especially the best part, "aku cinta, wooo, wooo".
So, last weekend, when we went back to Taiping, as we had nothing else to do, we asked her to sing in front of her opah tepen. She showed her skill from the first day we arrived. She went to her opah's bedroom and took her opah's tongkat. She used the tongkat as her microphone. We didn't showed her to use the tongkat as a mic. She also know how to improvise.
She sang the Aizat's song, burung kakaktua and lompat si katak lompat. The last 2 songs, I thought she learnt it from her nursery. I managed to capture her in action but going to upload it later.
She really sing like a pro. Everytime, she with her Opah, I will play the video again and again. How time flies? My baby girl has grow so much. Next week will be her birthday and we are thinking on what to get for her.
My Birthday Pressies...
It was a day after Merdeka Day. In the old days, my mom told me that Merdeka Day was celebrated on the night of 31 August, not on the eve like what we currently are doing.
My mom wanted to celebrate the night and went to Dataran Merdeka. After the celebration, suddenly she feeling not that well and she knew she was going to deliver me. I was borned around 5 a.m. on 1st of September. I really like the 1st as all my other siblings were born on 11. Yes, 2 of them was born on the 11th. Only Along was born on the 18th but being the first child, he must be somewhat be different from all of us.
This year the celebration was not that great as it fell on the 1st day of Ramadhan. Nonetheless, hubby promised to take me for a buffet Ramadhan as my birthday treat. The last time we went for buffet Ramadhan was years ago as the price of a buffet nowadays is so ridiculous. Every year, hubby will treat me to somewhere special to have our dinner. This year he chose the place.
As for present, I received something great from my lil sis. Our birthday are quite near, as hers was in August. So, we decided to do some barter trade. I told her what I want and she told me her chosen present.
This year, I wanted to have a CD. She bought me Faizal Tahir, Aku.Muzik.Kamu cd. I really love it. Its either Faizal or Sheila on 7 cd, but I knew that Faizal have great songs. To adik, thanks so much. Now, think of what you want me to get for you.
Raya Shopping
I was trained or taught by my family to do raya shopping months before raya. People will said, ' Puasa pun belum dah nak raya' but I felt its a waste of time to do shopping raya when places are so crowded. If you saw last week newspaper, you can see KL was packed to the brim with people. Claustrophobic is also the reason why I did my shopping early.
I bought my baju kurung material months ago, together with my mom and sis. That time, shops were empty and we are the only customers. I don't wait for sales that much as based on my experience as expert shoppers (konon!!); product during sales are product from last season or something they try to finish off. Sometimes, the price after reduction is the actual price. So, being a window shopper does bring benefits. Our baju kurung was also sent to tailor, Kak Hasnah months ago. Now, I think it is ready to be picked up.
Now, I don't really care much about baju raya. But as I need to go back 'beraya' at MIL's house, I need to have some new baju kurungs. I only make baju kurung once a year. Thats why I usually make 4-6 pieces every year. As for this year, I only made 4 baju kurungs.
My only focus is on Eya's raya preparation. I checked her wardrobe and found out she still has unworned clothes from my Bandung's trip. Quite a lot. She has grow up so much that she could fit almost in all the clothes. So, clothes was done. The only thing I need to get for her is shoes.
Her feet design is similar to her ayah, which is chubbier on top. Due to this, she can only wear certain kind of shoes. The only shoes she comfortable to wear until now is Crocs. So, we really have to find proper shoes to fit her cute feet.
Its been a long time since I bought her any shoes. So, as Raya for my reason to splurge on her, we decided to went to Sunway Pyramid to shop for her shoes. I only had one thing in mind, to buy her a Converse. It will look really cute on her. Luckily, Converse don't cost as much as other shoe brand. So, now, everything has been prepared to her. Couldn't wait to see her wearing her new shoes. I only need to pick her baju raya from the tailor, together with mine.
BTW, she also got a another new shoes from someone....
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