I want Talentime...

I am a great big fan of Yasmin Ahmad and Afdlin Shauki. I always and will watch every movie that they produce.

So, a few days ago, I wanted to watch Talentime. I asked my lil sis to join me.

Once we got the counter, confidently we asked for 2 tickets. Then, the girl said, the only show available was at 6. At that time, it was still early. We were so surprised.

The show was released, about 2 weeks ago. How come the showtimes is so limited? As what my sis said, maybe they want to move it to make way for Jangan Tegur.

Why they movie industry need to be so biased? You can try to fight fair. Usually, Afdlin and Yasmin's movie are given limited showtimes, not like movie produced by Mr DT, YH and so called Prof.

They do have fans so please give them better oppportunity to sell their movies.

I really need to find place and time to watch it.


N April 9, 2009 at 10:23 PM  

beli cd je la nnt.

arale April 10, 2009 at 9:23 AM  

tak feel...tgk wayang lg best...

Anonymous April 14, 2009 at 4:24 PM  

tgk teaser mcm menarik...

Who is Arale?

Arale wish to live in Kampung Penguin with all her friends, but now she lives with her Mr R and lil angel.

Everything that Arale write in here is for her own eye's only and anybody who is interested. If you don't like what you see/watch/read here, please leave the blog as fast as you can.

Arale's Wishlist

  • Lancer Sportback or BMW 1 series
  • More vacation trips...
  • Reno works for GH
  • Trip to USS or Disneyland HK
